Top Performing Fashionistas

Hello my name is Wurry Sowe. Fashion has a great impact on me. It has been my passion since childhood and I have good sense of creativity and I feel like I can tackle any project I put my mind on. My biggest dream is to become a successful fashion designer because with fashion, you can really express yourself personality and all ideas can be highlighted. Fashion design requires a great amount of business strategy. I chose it as a career because I really like to solve certain difficulties that involve the life styles of people and current trends. In fashion design, there are many levels of opportunities and that means you can create a unique career path. It is an exciting and fun career when you have a great passion for it. My goal as a designer is to create my own clothing brand and make it unique and elegant garment for my clients.
Wurry Sowe
Certificate Level Fashionista
My Name is Fanna Ceesay. My goal and my every day dream is to become a successful fashion designer, which is why I joined Ida’s Ideas in order to prepare myself and achieve my long dreams. As I have the philosophy that if you love what you do, you will become better person in it. So, I am passionate about fashion.
Fanna Ceesay
Certificate Level Fashionista
Good day. My name is Alimatou Njie. My goal is to become a successful and professional fashion designer in future, which is the career I’m pursuing currently at Ida’s Ideas Fashion & Design Training Institute. One of my greatest challenges is juggling between being a wife, mother, businesswoman and a student at same time. But, as the saying goes, nothing great comes easy, so I get motivated by challenges simply because am ambitious, determined, and I don’t give up so easily.
Alimatou Njie
Certificate Level Fashionista
Margaret Campbell Karbo is developing a better attitude toward her grades. She is always showing interest and enthusiasm for the things she does and learning to occupy her time constructively. She has a great potential and works toward achieving it. She is strong in almost all the subjects she does and she is gaining more self-confidence day by day in the campus. We have observed that she has been consistently progressing and learning to listen and stick to directions and school's policies more carefully. Above all, Margaret brings a joyful, positive energy to all students around her.
Margaret Campbell Karbo
Certificate Level Fashionista
My name is Nyima Fatty, currently living at Sukuta. I am a Muslim and a Mandinka by ethnic. Growing up, I have a great interest in Fashion design. There's an amazing sense of accomplishment and joy seeing my design concepts on people and being displayed in shops. I love coming up with creative ideas to improve or make something new. My aim is to become one of the biggest fashion designers in the world. My biggest challenge was my family was not in support of studying Fashion Design. Thank God I was able to convince them to support me to achieve my goals. Now, I look forward to see what future holds for me in the design industry.
Nyima Fatty
Certificate Level Fashionista
Ida, Quite a conscientious and a dedicated student who on numerous occasions displayed a keen sense of purpose and unique qualities. So far, Ida has maintained an excellent academic performance that meets expectation and has shown a remarkable respect to students and staff on campus. Despite her marriage, she Never give excuses for attending her training sessions on campus. Ida has a never ending taste for the career she chooses and we eyeing to see what future holds for her.
Ida Cole
Certificate Level Fashionista
Mam Julie Mboob, a young Gambian pursuing fashion and design as a career, was born on 27th September, 1998. She is an enthusiastic learner who seems to enjoy Ida's Ideas Fashion & Design Training School. She Exhibits a positive outlook in the classroom and always appears well rested and ready for each class activities. She always comes to class prepared and creates high standard and quality work that exceeds expectation. Mam Julie represents all best and positive qualities of Ida's Ideas Training Institution. We have observed that she has improved steadily in the past years and has a very pleasant personality. We are indeed, so proud of her improvement and hard work in the school. We can't comment about her without mentioning her amazing character. she is responsible, passionate, and motivated. She works at an appropriate pace, neither too quickly or slowly.
Mam Julie Mboob
Diploma Level Fashionista
Meet Sally Camara, our thoroughbred fashionista and artist. Sally has been recognized by the management & the general student body as the most creative and best fashion Illustration student so far. There are so many positives about Sally that we don’t know where to begin! She is committed, creative, and above all, very hardworking. She is not only extremely artistic, but she is one of the open-minded students we have ever known. She always gives 100% effort to her coursework and works extra hard on her academy path by coming up with very challenging drawing concepts. Sally will go above and beyond to help out her peers. She is indeed a role model for other students and a joy to have in class.
sewing machine, sew, sewing-315382.jpg
Sally Camara
Diploma Level Fashionista

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